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How to Strengthen Your Soul Connection

I believe most of us are connected to our souls during our early childhood years, a connection that I think of as an innate understanding and alignment with our true selves.

This connection often manifests as a natural curiosity, joy, and an unfiltered view of the world. But as time passes and we become influenced by parents, peers, and society, we may begin to lose the sound of that subtle whisper we heard as children.

And then, at a certain age, pragmatism infuses many of us with following “what’s best” or “what’s safer.” Often, safer becomes what will produce the most money.

Finally, we reach a point where we just feel something is missing. A moment when small talk, the latest gadget, or the size of our bank account do not seem like the most important things.

If this resonates with you, know that it’s possible to rebuild the bridge to our soul, reconnect with that deep, inner wisdom, and reawaken our intuition.

Even though I’ve always had a strong relationship with my soul, I became blissfully unaware of it after about age six. As a result, I had a very turbulent adolescence, which lasted a couple of decades through my launch into adulthood and beyond. During this time, I just recklessly let my soul lead me around with nothing but blind faith.

I didn’t overthink my decisions. I just leaped into whatever pulled at me. Luckily, my soul sent me to Bali, Indonesia, where I built a business and a bungalow and had the good fortune to live amongst a rich and gentle culture of beautiful human beings steeped in ritual and diversity.

However, even in these fertile circumstances living in the company of all this ancient wisdom and a plethora of gurus, it still took me a while to tune in. Luckily, I had over twenty years to embrace and integrate these profound teachings.

Unless you’re a yogi living in a cave, part of daily life is dealing with distractions, coping with negative external factors, and learning to manage the mind.

Here are a few tools I use to bring myself inward and get that daily shot of soul juice. Each of these only takes a few minutes. I call them “tapas treats of higher consciousness.” I find these exercises highly effective in strengthening my soul and turning up the volume on my intuition.

Connect with a childhood memory.

I have a memory of sitting beneath a string of giant oak trees in my yard when I was about five years old. I can actually smell the dirt and remember the texture of the fallen acorns I held in my hand. I remember the busy ants marching through the dirt.

I also remember being totally immersed without any barrage of busy thoughts – no to-do list – no worries – just being free of intrusive thoughts. Truthfully, my childhood memories are sparse, so I feel incredibly fortunate for this one. It’s a beautiful meditation. To sit and recall this moment and go back to that purity.

Do you have a memory such as this? By returning to a time of childhood and connecting with that feeling – your soul will speak up. It will because it misses you so much.

A Visual Meditation

  • Find a Quiet Spot: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Recall a Memory: Think back to a special childhood memory where you felt immersed in the moment, free of worries.
  • Engage Your Senses: Try to recall that memory’s sights, smells, and textures.
  • Meditate on the Memory: Sit with this memory for a few minutes, connecting with pure joy and presence.
  • Reflect: Consider what this memory tells you about your connection with your soul.

The Fingertip Meditation

This exercise is designed to help you feel subtle energies and connect to your inner self.

  • Find Your Position: Sit quietly in a cross-legged position. Ensure your knees are level and your hands are evenly balanced on your knees.
  • Prepare Your Hands: Rest your hands palm up on your knees.
  • Breathe and Clear Your Mind: Take a few long, easy breaths, clearing your mind as much as possible.
  • Tap Your Fingers: Gently touch your thumb to your index finger. As you inhale and exhale one full breath, gently tap your thumb on each finger.
  • Focus: The act of both breathing and tapping helps you stay focused and in a meditative state. You can do this for one minute, five, or as long as you like.
  • Explore Further: If you’d like, you can explore Mudras, an expansion of this exercise, using different hand positions to direct energy flow.

Freestyle Journaling

Freestyle journaling is a powerful tool to unlock intuition and strengthen the connection to your soul. We are more open to intuitive messaging when we release attachments to the outcome.

  • Prepare: Have a journal and pen, or just a piece of paper.
  • Meditate: Spend five minutes in meditation to clear your mind.
  • Ask a Question: Write down a question you have pondered.
  • Set a Timer: Set a timer for five minutes.
  • Write Freely: Write as fast as you can for five minutes without pausing, even if it makes no sense.
  • Put It Away: Close the journal or fold the paper and put it away for a few days or even a week without reading it.
  • Reflect: After some time has passed, read what you wrote and deconstruct the message. This time think about it. What does it say to you?

We can strengthen our souls and hone our intuition in many ways by spending just a few minutes of the day reflecting, meditating, and paying attention.

I would love to hear what you may have learned about yourself if you try this.

Keep Shining and Pass the glow!

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